April 13, 2009

What's Been Happening

Winter has ended and spring has finally come. This winter we had more snow than we've ever had in the past nine years. Needless to say, we are really enjoying the blue skies, dry ground and warmer temperatures. It was a long winter, but we have seen so many blessing during it!

Since December, we have been seeing new people in church almost every week! It has been amazing. Whole families, single moms, children, and lots of guys! Our church is growing and we are literally running out of chairs! This is encouraging to all of us. During the past month Jake and Anya hosted Sunday lunches at their house. This came at a perfect time. It meant for great fellowship with all the new people who have been coming. Thanks Anya for all that good cooking!

The weekly ministries to the mental hospital and orphanage are also going well. Conor constantly says how blessed he is to serve with the people in our church at these places. Please continue to pray for the children to grow in the Lord and for those who do not know Christ to come to know him and receive His love for them.

Gavin and Emma also grew a lot this winter. We've been homeschooling and really learning a lot together. Gavin is finally enjoying reading and we're having a lot of fun reading together. Our favorite part of school is Bible. I love it when the kids constantly ask for more! Praise God for their passion for His Word! Emma turned five last month. She recently started taking violin lessons. God blessed her with an amazing teacher and she is really enjoying learning something new. Our newest little member of the family is growing well and we are all anxiously awaiting her arrival!

Here are a few pictures of the last few months. We love you all so much! Thank you for all your prayers. We are very blessed by all the Lord has done and is doing. Please keep praying for Chernigov. Pray that this springtime would be a time of new birth and growth for many!


Marina said...

the pic with emma playing violin is awesome! she is a very beautiful girl!

Jeff and Aimee said...

Thanks for the update. I've been wondering how you all were.

Paul and Kameron Morton said...

Just saw your comment on our blog- makes me laugh. Yah, isn't that funny? Who would've thought? Turns out theology mellows with age... or maybe it is dogmatism... enough to enable you to marry the nephew of your "nemesis" and even attend said nemesis' church for a while!! Ha!

I LOVE your blog and hearing about you guys. Congratulations on "your" (collectively?!!) pregnancy. Praying for a healthy little one.

Paul and Kameron Morton said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed Romans with Brad. I was struggling to find my "theological self" at CCBC and ended up being heavily swayed by the "intellectuals" thus making Brad's classes (esp. IBS- yeck!) difficult. I've talked to him several times about it since then and we've had a good laugh. That's the cool part about growing up.

He is doing well. He sort of was "moved on" (and out) of the Bible College, but it ended up being a super good thing because Living Hope really needed him. We see him (and the fam down in O'side) periodically and he always seems about the same- "good" and trusting in the Lord. What I didn't know was what a fierce competitor he is! :) You should shoot him an email- bradlambert@calvarychapel.com! I know he'd love to hear from ya!