August 13, 2007

Visa's, Trains, and Sore Throats

Please keep us in your prayers over the next few days. Conor is on his way to Hungary. Him and Paul Fournier are traveling to the Ukrainian Embassy in Budapest in order to renew our visa's. The Fournier's are also in need of new visa's so the guys were able to make the trek together on the train. After a twenty-four hour trip, they should arrive in Budapest on Tuesday morning. Pray that they will be able to get to the embassy during those morning hours and begin the process of renewing the visa's. Pray that we, and the Fournier's, will all be granted long-term visa's. We are trying for four or five years. Pray that the paperwork will go through quickly and Conor and Paul will be able to return within the next couple of days. Pray for their journey home, that they will be able to find a train or bus back to Kiev as soon as possible. Please pray for healing for our family. We are all sick with head colds. Conor left here this morning with little sleep, a sore throat and a cough. The kids and I are all home with the same symptoms. We are so thankful for all of you. We know that God is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine!


Anonymous said...

we will be praying for saftey, rest and that you will be granted long-term visa's. You guys have been such a blessing to us and we know the Lord has used you in many lives. may He continue to direct you in His ways lead you in His paths.

Tim Emerson said...

Any news yet, Koren? I know they were wanting to be back before Saturday to study and it's already Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, you are and have been in my prayers. Hope all is working out with your visa. The only visa I know about is the one that comes with a bill every month. I am so proud to say you are family, knowing and doing Gods will in your life is the most amazing thing to witness. I pray for the same in my life. Take care, Love you all.

Daniel said...

I just realized you may not figure out who just posted the above comment. Well now you know. Daniel(the funny one!) And I meant sense of humor, not looking.

Conor and Koren said...

Hi Daniel! I really want to write you, but I can't find your email. Can you send me a note and I'll get back to you that way. I love you and I really would love to see a new picture of Felicity too. I hope you find this comment and I hope to hear from you soon. We'll be gone for about a week, but I promise I will write when we get home. Love you! Hi to your wife and the kids!
Love, Koren